HERO [ heer-oh ]
The creation of the HEROES INVITATIONAL purposes to ignite change in our community by raising funds and awareness for heroes in our community.
Charities doing hard work, every day, to make a difference.
noun / he·roes; plural
a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character
The creation of the HEROES INVITATIONAL (formerly the Skidmore Foundation Charity Golf Tournament) purposes to IGNITE CHANGE by raising awareness, and funds, for unsung heroes in our community.Charities doing hard work, every day to make a difference.
The creation of the HEROES INVITATIONAL (formerly the Skidmore Foundation Charity Golf Tournament) purposes to IGNITE CHANGE by raising awareness, and funds, for unsung heroes in our community.
Charities doing hard work, every day to make a difference.
Our goal is to build better communities as we meet the practical needs of our neighbours. Food is a basic human need, yet many people go without. Covid-19, and the following economic crisis, have only multiplied this problem.
Food, and everyday necessities, provide support and connection to those in need. The teams at City Dream Centre and Raphael House recognize this and work tirelessly to support those experiencing hardship.
The need is great and the demand for assistance continues to grow at a rapid rate. Both organizations work year-round to ensure that students, and their families, within the Surrey and Langley school districts are provided with nourishing food throughout the year. This includes weekend food backpacks, summer hamper programs, Christmas hampers and more.
Food programs are the conduit to building safe relationships with families in need. From there, both City Dream Centre and Raphael House offer a wide range of community-based programs to create community, provide education and support the mental, emotional and physical health of the families they serve.
Igniting change through education for students and caregivers is essential in community development, both locally and internationally.
Our charity partners are proactively creating education programs for the regions they serve. The team at Kuwasha serves almost 2,000 students spread out across 5 schools. They believe that by educating children that otherwise would not have access to education, the cycle of poverty that many of these families find themselves in can be broken.